Friday 6 November 2015

Pregnancy Update - Week 34

Baby at 34 Weeks :

Your baby will now weigh close to 5lbs and measure up at about 45cm long. Their skin is increasingly smooth and rounded as they continue to gain weight and fill out with fat. Your baby's hearing will now be developed enough that they can hear you, so it's a good idea to begin talking to your baby (they're particularly receptive to high pitched tones).
Their little lungs are also now almost fully developed so they will be ready to breathe independently after birth, Their tiny finger and toenails have now grown and if your baby is overdue they'll likely need a trim. source 

Me at 34 Weeks: 

Stretch marks: Only on my hips 
Food cravings: Nothing
Gender: Girl
Labour signs: Nope! 
Belly button in or out?: Looking like its going to pop out 

I can't believe I get to meet my little girl in 5 weeks!! this pregnancy has gone so fast but it's starting to really drag now. I've been packing my hospital bag and getting ideas on YouTube for a postpartum care kit, will be posting about this soon

Destiny xxx 

Thursday 5 November 2015


Hi I’m Destiny

I live in Nottingham. I’m 18 years old, a food, baby and lifestyle blogger.

I've made many blogs in the past but ended up deleting them as I started to lose interest in what I was writing about. I want to use this space as an open diary for me to look back on and for others to enjoy reading. I will be posting three times a week about my pregnancy journey, food and other random this that I like.

Hope you guys enjoy!